(Hood) 11 : 2
أَلَّا تَعْبُدُوا إِلَّا اللَّهَ ۚ إِنَّنِي لَكُمْ مِنْهُ نَذِيرٌ وَبَشِيرٌ

That you don’t serve anyone except Lord Allah. Indeed, I am to you a warner and a Herald from Him.

Adhikr—the Truth and Proof—revealed to all 313 Messengers is to teach mankind that there is no deity except Lord Allah and so you serve Him alone as told in verses 21: 24-25. It is told in verse 51: 50: “You flee into the Lord; indeed, I am a manifest warner to you from Him”. To flee into the Lord means to hurry to the place where Adhikr is explained in one’s heart’s language as explained in verse 3: 171. But the disbelievers are fleeing away from Adhikr- the Ticket-just like the donkeys are fleeing by hearing lion’s roaring as told in verses 74: 49-51. It is told in verse 85: 15 that Lord Allah is Honorable and it is told in verse 85: 21 that Adhikr is denoted as the Honorable Reading. So, whoever holdfasts Adhikr, he did holdfast Lord Allah and is guided into the Straightpath as explained in verses 2: 256; 3: 101 and 5: 48. See explanation 9: 31, 65; 10: 57-58 and 108.